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MacBook Wireless Borked Again, Still, etc.

A while back I had regular issues with the wireless adapter on my MacBook after I had upgraded to OSX Mountain Lion, but after the removal of Little Snitch (I still ran the beta version) it seemed that times were a changing... Seemed that is.

This morning I was fiddling about with my photo website, and needed to see the results in several different browsers. One of them being Google Chrome.
Trying to launch the Chrome app, it crashed immediately. Reopening didn't help. So I tried to download a newer version, since I hadn't updated mine since the upgrade to Mountain Lion. The result; It still crashed. Even after removing all Chrome (and Google) references on the disk, it still crashed.

So, it became time to consult the book of knowledge, and see what the Internets had to say about my little ordeal.

It wasn't that hard to find a result which looked promising;

EDIT2: Hey folks, Some of you have tried the safe mode workaround below but are still seeing Chrome crashing. As mentioned on the public issue tracker, we have reported this issue to Apple, and you can follow along here:
For those of you who are comfortable with Terminal, please try the following:
  1. From Terminal, enter: sudo update_dyld_shared_cache -force 
  2. Reboot your Mac normally, and launch Chrome
  3. If Chrome still crashes at launch after trying this, please go to this folder ( ~/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports ) and if you spot a crash report created at the time of your most recent crash, please either attach it here, or file a new public issue and let me know what the Issue Number is so that we can investigate.

So I typed the command, and rebooted the MacBook.... The result was: Unable To Turn On Wireless In OS X Mountain Lion, and I had my little *$%^&* moment (as you might imagine).

Time to prepare yet another re-install of the OS. This time from scratch, since I wanted this issue gone. Really gone!.
During the preperation I also read about the wonders of Safe Booting the OS, and since I had nothing to lose I tried it.... And guess what; during the safe boot the wifi worked as normal, and after a normal reboot, the wifi STILL work normally.

This saves me from the 1.5 hours of re-installing the OS. Something that will still happen upon my next episode of Unable To Turn On Wireless In OS X Mountain Lion.

Oh yeah, Google Chrome also works now.

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