Microsoft released Service Pack 2 for Windows 2003 this week. Normally, the release will be announced, but this time they released it quietly (??).
Anyway, I tried to upgrade my experimental Windows 2003 SP1 server with SP2, but that was a no-go. It seems that if yo uninstalled Internet Explorer 7 AFTER you installed sp1, you need to uninstall IE7 (according to the release notes).
Internet Explorer
If you installed Internet Explorer 7 after installing Windows Server 2003 SP1, you must uninstall Internet Explorer 7 before you install Windows Server 2003 SP2.
After this you can install Service Pack 2. This means 2 reboots instead of 1 (are we going back to the old days where you needed a reboot every time you sneezed??)
First of all, I didn't want IE7, but it got pushed down my throat in their so-called 'critical updates'. And second, this confirms the lack of inter-department communication in Redmond, otherwise this wouldn't be necessary....
And the fun continues.... After uninstalling IE7 I received an 'Access Denied' error while updating. Research on that error gave me
some pages relating to Windows XP service pack installations. It seems that there might be some registry keys which are not modify-able by the installation of SP2.
For godsake, I run the update under the administrator account. Why can't the installer modify the registry setting for me? Why do I have to screw around with the registry editor and logfiles to install a freakin' service pack from Microsoft :mad: ?
The Windows box goes out the window, as soon I have enough money to get me a OSX based server....
UPDATE: The update via Windows Update also didn't work. It didn't show the Access Denied error, but it wouldn't install SP2. I did get it to work though by 'resetting' the permissions on the registry with the following command:
secedit /configure /cfg %windir%\repair\secsetup.inf /db secsetup.sdb /verbose
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