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A Weekend During the Summer of 2012

This weekend we escaped the rat-race and took some 'off-time' at/near the beach in Zandvoort (NH). The town is situated on the North sea coast, and during the (summer) holiday season packed with tourists....

Summer of 2012 Well, not this weekend (and I guess not even this summer season), because summer is slow at this year in Holland.

The average day ranges from +25 degrees (Celsius) with blue(ish) skies, to black thunderclouds that pour rain in biblical proportions, and then sun again (or more rain).

Summer of 2012So not a lot of tourists in Zandvoort this weekend, so more space for us to chill on the beach and in the town of Haarlem (where it also pours rain).

Despite the weather, we had an excellent weekend.

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