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Leica Rangefinder M10 Rumors

Many of you may have heard, that Leica has scheduled an event for May 10th 2012. These events fuel the speculations of the things that may be announced. One of those things being a new Leica (rangefinder) camera called the M10.

Along with this rumor, everyone has (special) feature wishes / requests that this new camera should have. Some of those (IMO ridiculous) features include:

  • Auto focus
  • Electronic Viewfinder
  • Build-in Flash
  • Black and White only sensor

Auto focus (AF): This makes every M-mount lens incompatible with the new system, since non of the current M-Mount lenses support auto focus.

Electronic Viewfinder: Unless the have designed a completely new electronic ultra-high resolution with no latency viewfinder, it's most likely inferior to the current optical viewfinder.

Build-in flash: the Leica M-series has a hotshoe for external flashes, why would you want to implement a crappy P&S-like flash unit in the camera?

Black and White sensor: This feature is interesting, but I doubt it that this will be in the / a new M10. This means that you have to go back to using filters on the lens for certain effects, since you can't do do that any more in post (e.g. Lightroom). It's more likely (to me) that a B&W sensor will be introduced as e.g. a M9.1, or a M9-PBW or even a M7-D (Digital).

Some things that are not so crazy (and some of those I'd wish the M9 had already).

Like the M9-P, but with;

  • Better high ISO/ low noise performance
  • Bigger dynamic range
  • >20Mpix full-frame sensor
  • Better high resolution preview screen, since the current one can only be used to check composition.
  • Some mechanical tweaks in regards to the camera power/mode switch.
    When I insert the camera in a bag, I have to be careful that the camera doesn't get switched on (and start taking images on its own since the shutter button might get pressed....

I do hope that the (future) M10 stays close to the current M-range in regards to its simplicity, and that it doesn't become another feature bloated camera like all the rest of the digital cameras out there.

And finally, the question of 'shall I upgrade or not?'. I don't think so (at first) because of the following reasons;

  • I never purchase a version 1 product. In this case, I would wait at least two firmware updates to clear out most of the bugs. This means that the purchase could be around the year 2014 or so. By that time, the editting software is also up to speed to get the most out of the +30Mpix DNG files.
  • Pricing of the new camera will be steep (I guess), and the second hand market will get flooded by old M9's. So, I'll sit out the flood, and wait till the time is right.

In the mean time, I'll go out and shoot with my M9 (or Nikon D300, depending on the subject or mood I'm in).

Reader Comments (2)

Why the LEICA should put all of those features into the new M10!?.,,,
LEICA should focus on the features like making un aditional electronic Focus confirmation when using the R lenses on it.
Since there is already M- R lens adapter in egzistance, there is no reason for them to put anything new into it?!
This way they accomplished two things: R users have FF camera to use, but also the M9 is already near perfect .
Cheerz, T.

May 7, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterTomislav V. Stanich

I can forgive Leica most things BUT to install such a patently outdated and primitive viewing screen on the back of the M9 is, frankly, an astonishing act of dismissive arrogance. With such wonderful optics and a panzer-like build, why on earth do Leica degrade this camera with such a poor quality screen? Words fail me.

Live view is not necessary, in my own opinion - I happily use my Pentax 645D with no live view - but that camera does at least allow me to review my focus, highlights and general dynamic range immediately after a shot - this is impossible to do with the current Leica M9 and M9P and the upcoming Monocrom seems to be similarly disadvantaged - come on Leica - please!!!

August 5, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterchris sellers

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